Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello World!

Now is an exciting time for the DePaul Environmental Law Society! Over the last few years, ELS has been progressively expanding its base within the college of law and the 2012-13 academic year promises to be the organization's tipping point. The officers for the upcoming academic year have several exciting new plans for the organization, including: launching this blog, which will become a vehicle for developing a student written and published newsletter; increased opportunities for community involvement, such as the fall beach clean-up and another, as yet undetermined, fall volunteer day; and, the return of our annual fall environmental law career panel. Other new initiatives are in the works, but are most appropriate to announce closer to the spring semester.

Perhaps the most exciting new development is this blog. New law students are continuously encouraged to hone their writing skills, and for good reason. An attorney's trade-in-stock is words; those who are able to bend the language to their will are more effective advocates for their clients. And, as with any other skill, “practice makes perfect.” Therefore, the ELS leadership is very excited to unveil this blog and announce its grand purpose. Of course, part of the reason for its existence is to aggregate information relevent to ELS members and those interested in environmental law in general, but more than that — and more to the point — it is intended to provide an arena in which new ELS members may develop their skills as writers. 

Beginning in the fall, it is the plan of the ELS leadership to turn the blog over to new members — one small group after another. For a month or so at a time, these small groups — under the supervision of senior ELS members — will write regular posts on developments in environmental law, highlight general interest stories related to environmental issues, advertise upcoming ELS events, report on past ELS events, and generally write, write, write and then write some more! In this way, ELS will benefit from an increased online presence, but more than that, new ELS members will have the opportunity to develop a body of writing that highlights their skills as wordsmiths, while simultaneously sharpening those very same skills.

The ELS leadership is very excited about this new endeavor and we hope you are too. And yet, since this is our shiniest new toy, we aren't yet ready to hand it over to our newest members — call us greedy, but to be perfectly frank, we don't have “newest members” yet anyway. So, for the remainder of the summer and until we get settled into the new school year, we plan to run this blog through the paces ourselves. So please indulge us this wish, and check back often to see what we each have to say. And continue to come back throughout the fall and the entire academic year to see what ELS — and our new members — are up to!

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